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- Please send enough FORMATTED disks (either 800K or 1.4M will do ),to cover the
- copies you require and return postage to,
- Sean Sharkey,
- 7, Cromwell Close,
- London N2 0LL,
- England.
- ***********************************************************
- 2K Basic programme plots vertical radiation pattern for dipoles at any
- given height.
- BROADCAST v2.0.sea
- 150K Packet program for use with PACSATs.
- CODEMASTER v1.34.sea
- 27K CodeMaster 1.34 - demo version of CodeMaster 2.34 - morse code and ham
- theory test application. This version is somewhat functional.
- CONTEST DUPER v5.1.sea
- 70K Checks your contest log for duplicate entries.
- CW CHART.sea
- 3K Copied from Usenet - a morse code (CW) tree chart.
- DXCC by Callsign.sea
- 30K DA which lists all the DXCC countries in order of callsign.
- DXCC by Country.sea
- 30K DA which lists all the DXCC countries.
- EZ DOVE v.002.sea
- 55K EZ Dove decoder (v.002). Appl and Basic source, decodes Dove telemetry
- data.de N5KOB.
- GRID 1.0.sea
- 9K Converts longitude/latitude to grid QTH
- 9K Tutoral on HF packet radio - interesting
- HAM ART.sea
- 11K Assorted ham related artwork. ARRL and AR TIFF logo, IC-735
- front(MCDW)
- ICOM & MACS.sea
- 1K Info for Mac & ICOM owners looking for software to link'em
- IM/Mac v1.0b26v.sea
- 200K SMTP mailer for use with NET/MAC.
- KISS_TLM.sea
- 50K For decoding KISS data from MICROSATs.
- MacContest 4.0.sea
- 300K The ultimate contest logging program for the Macintosh (System 7
- proof). Covers CW/SSB/RTTY modes and all bands from 1.8 MHz to 5.7
- GHz. Allows real-time or post contest logging for a wide variety of
- contests (30 contest include, new ones can be added). Checks for
- dupes, figures scores instantly. Offers various printouts (sorts per
- band, alpabetically, labels etc.) Interfaces to TNCs (KAM, PK-232)
- for CW, RTTY and packet modes. Built in terminal mode and packet
- DXcluster interface. Interface to Kenwood transceivers for automatic
- band/mode logging. MacinTalk voice output for real-time logging as
- well as to ease post-contest entry. Option to capture log in
- realtime to printer. Option to simultaneously create a save copy of
- the log to a different file/drive. Timetable showing actual grayline
- on a world map. (I have the demo version which will allow you to make
- 50 contacts). MacContest is free but must be personalized to each user
- (otherwis it's limited to 50 contacts). To get a copy send a 3.5" diskette and
- a SASE to Gerald Eberle, HB9CEY, PO Box 13, CH-4417 Ziefen,
- Switzerland. Moritz (HB9BLZ) can act as a message forwarder for Gerald.
- Moritz' e-mail address is: gysslerm@saturn.kau.roche.com
- MACMORSE v0.2.sea
- 30K Another program to learn morse code
- MACMININEC v3.13.sea
- 250K For analyzing antenna disgins,including dipoles, beams, etc etc.
- MORSEMAC DA v2.0.sea
- 17K A program to learn Morse code . It sounds a preset number of characters
- randomly choosen. it contains an XCMD written by LX1YZ
- MORSE v1.3.sea
- 20K Morse tutor up to 25wpm, very good.
- 90K Shortwave propagation predictor.
- NET/MacStartersKit.sea
- 500K A complete starters kit for the Mac user interested in trying TCP/IP.
- Includes everything that you will need to get going.
- NET/Mac v2.3.39.sea
- 500K This is a version of TCP/IP. Will allow you to use AX25, NETROM, FTP,
- TELNET and SMTP with packet radio
- ORBITTRACK (2 versions)
- 514K This is one of the best Shareware progarmmes I have ever seen. If you are interested
- in tracking sats you need this. Comes in two versions, one for use with Macs that have a FPU
- processor installed and one which will fun without a FPU for those that don't.
- PACKET(1-18).sea
- 43K Introduction to packet radio - Parts 1 thr 18 by Larry Kenney, WB9LOZ
- PacketTracker 1.04.sea
- 110K PacketTracker ver 1.04 is a program that monitors packet activity
- and keeps track of what is going on. It draws a graphical map
- showing who is talking to who and displays statistics of all current
- stations and keeps a running tally of activity. You will be
- able to see graphically what stations you can hit directly and which
- ones he cannot. For the network manager and BBS operator,
- PacketTracker provides extensive insight to the operation of the
- local network and problems such as excessive retries on a path. It
- also allows for extensive logging of channel utilization and other
- pertinate information.
- NOTE: This application requires the Apple's Serial Tool from the
- Communications Toolbox System 7
- 105K ARRL's Project Mac software - part A1 (These are looking a bit old now)
- 118K ARRL's Project Mac software - part A2 (These are looking a bit old now)
- 103K ARRL's Project Mac software - part B1 (These are looking a bit old now)
- 107K ARRL's Project Mac software - part B2 (These are looking a bit old now)
- Another of Gerald Eberle, HB9CEY contest/dx programmes. This one is a AX25
- terminal programme for use with the DX cluster, will "ANNOUNCE", DX spots
- (using MacInTalk), when they arrive at the cluster.
- RADFAX 09.sea
- 173K WEFAX programme that uses the mic input on new Mac. No other hardware required,
- just plug output from HF rig into Mac mic socket and away you go.
- SAVANT 1.0.1 Demo
- 185K AX25 packet terminal programme that will work with SoftKISS,
- in other words it will allow you to run a Baycom modem on the Mac.
- This is now a commerical programme but the demo version will let you
- set it up and see it working etc etc.
- SoftKISS 1.2.5.sea
- This will allow the use of dumb modems with the Mac, ie the BayCom series
- of kits.
- STARTING IP v30.1.sea
- 14K The Getting Started with (Mac) TCPIP text file for beginners
- 130K One of Gerald Eberle, HB9CEY contest/dx programmes. Shows Grayline
- on world map, distance, bearing, DXCC callsign lookup table, very very nice programme.
- TALKTERM 1.1.sea
- 50K For use with DX clusters. If used along with MacinTalk it will announce
- DX spots as they arrive on the cluster.
- Various Logs.sea
- 200K Includes,
- FileMaker Log, 5K FileMaker IV document will provide excellent general logging.
- HamLogger, 10K HC stack for logging ham contacts - very nice.
- Logging Stacks UK, 100K Keeps all sorts of logs. From contest, to local directory.
- Logging Stacks USA, Same as above but with USA bandplans.
- MacLogger, Very nice programme for checking contest entries.
- SWL Logger Stack.
- Virtuoso.sea
- 68K A very nice standalone packet terminal programme for use with any TNC
- ZTerm.sea
- Terminal programme for the Mac. Nice and easy to use. Comes with sound
- updates.
- *****************************************************************************
- Advanced 2.2.sea
- 132K HC stack - Ham advanced test.
- 143K Yep, someone had to do it. HyperCard stack that will allow two
- Macs to play chess via packet radio.
- DXMAP v1.1.sea
- 150K Shows grayline in real time, also has a data base of all callsigns and
- will show location and bearing from your QTH on world map. Very nice. Can
- only can only be used with version 2 or higher of Hypercard.
- Extra 2.2.sea
- 127K HC stack - Ham extra test.
- FreqValet Demo version.
- 203K Provides frequencies and DX program info for shortwave radio
- listeners. The program databases update automatically at 15, 30, or
- 60 minute intervals, thus providing a continuous display of
- broadcasts on-the-air at any given time in a spreadsheet like
- format. Features include sorting of data, scanning, and on-screen
- changing of databases. The program will convert Tom Sundstrom's
- dBase shorwave broadcast listing to FreqValet format and will do the
- same for Shorwave Navigator users. Separate cards are provided for
- DX Programs, Ship to Shore, and Utility broadcasts. Computer
- control modules are available at extra cost for the Drake R8,
- Kenwood R-5000, JRC NRD-525, and NRD-535 receivers.
- General 2.2.sea
- 93K HC stack - Ham general test.
- 70K HC Shows world grayline in real time.
- NOVICE 3.2.sea
- 128K HC stack - Ham novice test.
- PACKET MACS v1.3.sea
- 40K Database of Ham Macintosh users in the USA.
- SSB.sea
- 500k With this one you can record your own voice, using MacRecorder or
- similar and then at the click of a mouse call CQ, QRZ, etc etc.
- Tech 3.3.sea
- 108K HC stack - Ham tech test.
- Trans.Stk v1.0.sea
- 32K A stack I made for transmission lines, giving attenuation, SWR, etc
- Various Logs.sea
- 200K Includes,
- FileMaker Log, 5K FileMaker IV document will provide excellent general logging.
- HamLogger, 10K HC stack for logging ham contacts - very nice.
- Logging Stacks UK, 100K Keeps all sorts of logs. From contest, to local directory.
- Logging Stacks USA, Same as above but with USA bandplans.
- MacLogger, Very nice programme for checking contest entries.
- SWL Logger Stack.
- KQI Control v1.sea
- 53K Hypercard stack that will allow you to control a Kenwood TS-940S via
- it's RS-232 interface. However the author feels that it should work with most
- of the Kenwood range of transceivers.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Mac To PC.
- This will extract Macintosh "STUFFIT", or ".SIT", files on a PC running MSDOS
- Aid for Macintosh file conversion
- For packing, unpacking and exchanging ZIP files between Macs and PCs.
- ZIP.sea
- Will allow ZIP or PKZIP files to be exchanged between Macs and PCs.